
Pub, finally!

As incredible as it may soud, yesterday was my first visit to an Irish pub. Yeah, I know... too long, hun? Well, I surely had my compensation. 3 pints!
I started with a black beer (NOT Guiness), Smithwick's. As soon as I come back to the pub, I'll check it's name. It's very very light, a little bit similar to the Brazilian  Xingu, but much stronger and bitter.

This is me, my pint and my friend's pint. =D

The we went on with another one, Blumer, that looked nice, but it tasted like Lambrusco - yes, that champaigned wine. I couldn't get though the pint... I hated it! It was fruity and sparkling!! EEEEEWWW!!

Well, after that deception, I HAD to have a pint of Guiness. I had already had a Guiness here. And it was good, of course. However, it was a canned one, not from the tap (I've learned it's draught beer - o famoso CHOPP). It was my frist draughted pint of Guiness and it IS going to soun obvious, but it was THE BEST GUINESS I'VE EVER TASTED. According to my pubmates, my eyes were brighting!
Now I have afternoon classes and then I'm going to another pub, to taste another beer and have another pint of Guiness before dinner.

See you soon!

8 comentários:

Vivi disse...


Jak disse...

Hey you!

Omg, you really took too long to visit a pub, didn't you? Where is Ilá and what have you done with her??? You charlatan! XD

Have you tasted those cold as we do here in Brazil? Or were they warm?

Profª Renata disse...

Ai, que fofinha... Maior saudadão!!! Não liga q eu tô emotiva (Tomei cerveja. Itaipava. Tá.)... Compus uma musiquinha pra vc: "Ilá tá na Ilanda, Irlá tá na Irlanda!" Beijo!

Ilá Coimbra disse...

Heey, you all! Thank you for your follow up! Vivi, NO, THEY DON'T HAVE MALZEBIER! They have only real beer! And Rê, aqui cerveja não é tão gelada como no Brazil, mas está mto frio, soo...
miss you all!

Ilá Coimbra disse...

Yep, Jak, it actually depressed me... I have been here for almost 5 days and I have been to the city centre only once.... Today I'm skipping afternoon classes and I'm going around alone. That's it!!!

Ilá Coimbra disse...

Yep, Jak, it actually depressed me... I have been here for almost 5 days and I have been to the city centre only once.... Today I'm skipping afternoon classes and I'm going around alone. That's it!!!

Ilá Coimbra disse...

Yep, Jak, it actually depressed me... I have been here for almost 5 days and I have been to the city centre only once.... Today I'm skipping afternoon classes and I'm going around alone. That's it!!!

Diego Oliveira disse...

Your eyes were bright? I'm quite sure they rolled back into your head, and nobody could see them. Knowing the little of you I know, I'm pretty sure a pint of Draught Guinness, in Ireland, would cause you very strong effects. Way stronger than bright eyes hahaa