
It was a long time ago, longer now than it seems...

Well, I think the last rock festival I went was in 1996, if I'm not wrong. I used to love festivals! All day long just seeing a hundred thousand bands playing, sometimes bands that you don't even care, but very important to the history of rock.
And last Saturday I just went back to that wonderful part of my teenage years:

Presenting 2 stages and no break metal on your head since 2 p.m., Maquinaria brought bands only reaaaally metal people like. The organization was perfect, even the bathrooms were clear and supplied with toilet paper! Incredible!
And it tough me some lessons:

1. Headbanging is for people who don't need to work in front of a computer on the day after. I'm writing this post under the effect of muscle relaxing pills, such pain I'm feeling.
2. Jumping for hours is for athletes, not for mere English professionals. I just can't climb a single stair.
3. Screaming imitating metal singers is only for those who don't care about their throat.
4. Old rockers with painted face on the stage talking about zombies, gulls, and monsters RULES!
5. Sepultura is the proof that noise can be technical.

And last but not least, a very important piece of advice:
- If you do like music, if its essential to your life, you just CAN'T die without seeing 2 "things" alive: a Philharmonic Orchestra and Sepultura. Both are more than just musicians playing, they are living organisms on the stage and they touch your guts with their music. In different ways, of course.

Um comentário:

Aline disse...

cara... como da preguiça ler em ingles! mas eu li e... Sepultura rules!!! Misfits is fucking foda!!!