

I'm a remedy freak. I just love them. Going to the drugstore is like going to the mall for me and I always leave there carrying more remedies than I actually need.

The explanation is quite simple: I'm in pain, I take a pill, I feel better.
Headache? Tylenol.
Backache? Too much physical exercise? Muscle relaxing.
Stomachache? Antacid.
Hangover*? Painkiller containing caffeine.

But my worse health problem is insomnia, a stressful consequence of anxiety. I've been living with it since my early years, and of course it gets worse from times to times according the moment I'm living.
Too many things to do on the other day is a synonym of a terrible night sleep . Problems unsolved, routine drastic changes or even lack of things to do, too.
Sometimes I just want to see the hours passing by as they just insist on staying still.

Anyway, I can picture myself till the end of the week going to the drugstore and buying anti allergic pills that make me sleep like a baby and, as a secondary effect, get me rid of the old persistent rhinitis.

Soundtrack: If you are feeling sinister, Belle and Sebastian:

But if you are feeling sinister
Go off and see a minister
He'll try in vain to take away the pain of being a hopeless unbeliever"

* It deserves a special post which is written in my mind, but I've been too lazy/busy to post it.

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